97% of your website visitors leave without ever purchasing anything - now, you can recover them.

We help online companies recover their bounced customers ➡️ by identifying and syncing up to 85% of their website visitors with ad platforms.

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Here’s a question for you:

➡️ If you had a second chance to convince all of your bounced website visitors to buy your products, could you do so?

That's actually a trick question.

Because every brand used to be able to do that with a basic Facebook Pixel and some retargeting ads (like the one below ⬇️) - but they can't anymore ⛔️

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You see, Facebook's pixel used to track and identify 70-80% of your website visitors which you could then retarget with ads.

However, 3rd-party cookie restrictions from Apple and Android have rendered Facebook's and Google's pixels useless.

As of 2024, Facebook's pixel can recognize less than 20% of your website visitors, and this stat gets worse and worse every month.

But then - we solved this issue ✅

We built our own custom pixel that allows you to retarget 50-85% of all your bounced website visitors with social media ads ⬅️

Also, we're not afraid to show off

Here's a real-life example of our custom pixel bringing ~2.89x larger retargetable audiences ⬇️

Pixel comparison final min

But wait, how does your custom pixel work?

1️⃣ First, we install our custom pixel on your website

Once installed, our custom pixel will be ready to start identifying who visited your website, plus all the actions they took while visiting:

  1. Which pages they visited.
  2. If they added items to their cart and which ones.
  3. If they started but didn't finish their checkout.
  4. And much more.

2️⃣ Then, we match your website with the best data providers through our custom pixel

We connect, test and audit multiple Data Providers to find which ones are the best suited to reliably match your website audience.

Our custom pixel can connect with multiple Data Providers so your company will always have the largest retargeting audience possible.

This means if one Data Provider can't identify a specific user, we'll tag that user and use a second Data Provider to identify it - and if that fails, we'll keep using new Data Providers until we can identify that user.

3️⃣ After that, we sync the website visitors coming from the custom pixel to your Ad Platforms

Our custom pixel will identify around ~50-85% of all your website visitors and the actions they took while browsing your website.

We also sync those identified website visitors with your Ad Platforms (such as Meta and Google) so you can retarget them with ads and recover revenue.

4️⃣ Finally, you start recovering revenue from bounced website visitors

Boom - on average, a brand working with our custom pixel can expect to recover between 1-3% of their bounced website visitors into sales.

Our custom pixel syncs with these Ad Platforms:

  • 1️⃣ 50-85% of all your website visitors identified and ready to be retargeted.
  • 2️⃣ An average of 1-3% of all your bounced website visitors will be recovered into revenue with our custom pixel.
  • 3️⃣ 30-day free trial to start ➡️ We only make money when you make money.

What you'll get from working with us and our custom pixel:

  • Custom Pixel:

    • 50-85% of all your bounced website visitors identified
    • Every action a website visitor takes is recorded and can be segmented
    • Installation takes 5 minutes of your team - and can be done by us
  • Syncing with Ad Platforms:

    • Bounced website visitors are synced instantly with the Ad Platforms
    • Custom pixel data is connected with the ad platforms by our team
    • Custom Audiences of specific website visitor segments depending on your needs
  • Retargeting Ad Strategy:

    • Done-with-you custom retargeting Ad Strategy (ad creatives + media buying strategies)
    • Daily monitoring of our retargeting ads to maximize ROAS

And who's behind this custom pixel?

Hey, I’m Louis 👋

I've helped companies unlock over +$11,000,000 in extra profits, using online ads - that's my bread and butter.

I’ve also helped several large companies and startups generate more revenue through better data-backed marketing - such as Firework.com, GoShippo, and Verb. Tech.

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And do you have any successful past projects in the paid social media ads space?

Of course, and I bring receipts ⬇️

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Still got a question?

Here's what we get asked the most.

📈 I want to learn more about the custom pixel, what should I do?

For the time being, we are only working with select clients.

If you have more than 50k monthly users on your website PLUS your Average Order Value is over >$40, you can send me an email to: louis [at] louisvieira.com

After that, we'll book a call to review if there's potential for a partnership.